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Mastering Diabetes Audio Experience

Sep 22, 2020

Today we are joined by an internationally recognized nutrition expert, board-certified family physician, New York Times bestselling author, and nutritional researcher Dr. Joel Fuhrman who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through plant-based nutrition. He is known as the father of “nutritarian” eating and will share his exact formula for achieving your healthiest life.

Specifically, we cover:

  • 2:30 He will define nutrient density and a nutritarian diet.
  • 7:03 What is the ANDI index and how does it calculate the nutrients in your diet?
  • 12:21 Are eggs healthy?
  • 15:42 How does dietary cholesterol affect your insulin sensitivity?
  • 19:40 How do micronutrients affect your appetite?
  • 25:17 What is the difference between appestat and appetite?
  • 27:31 A high level of micronutrients satiates your appetite.  
  • 33:00 What is the number one mistake people make when transitioning to a plant-based diet and which foods can halt weight loss?

We cover so much in this episode, you may want to take notes. We think you will appreciate Dr. Fuhrman’s attention to detail and relentless pursuit of nutritional excellence. He is brilliant! 

If you enjoyed this episode please join us and Dr. Fuhrman in spreading the word about the benefits of plant-based nutrition by sharing this episode on social media and tagging us - @masteringdiabetes