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Mastering Diabetes Audio Experience

Apr 28, 2021

Learn the secrets to radically improving your health from “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll, who lost 265 pounds and kept it off!

At Chuck's heaviest, he weighed 420 pounds and had amassed a 66-inch waist while requiring a size 6xl shirt.

Fearing that his life was spiraling out of control and nearing an end,...

Apr 20, 2021

 Maia was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2015.⁣

She was told by her doctor what many type 1’s are told at the time of diagnosis, eat a low-carb diet. She followed their advice and returned to her life as an athlete.

Later, she decided to go full keto which worked for a while and she was able to maintain...

Apr 8, 2021

Transform Your Diabetes Health in Our Immersive One-Day Workshop! Join an action-packed LIVE one-day immersive online workshop designed to get you the blood sugar, A1c, and body you deserve! Click here to join us!

Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized, admired,...