Jul 30, 2019
Today we have an excellent podcast episode for you about Regina - a woman who lowered her A1c from 12.3% to 5.3%. How to lower A1c is the ultimate question for people living with all forms of diabetes.
She did this by getting the proper medication and also by following a diet that maximizes her insulin sensitivity. You...
Jul 23, 2019
We had the pleasure of sitting down with Marc Hellersteing, MD and in this episode we discussed the following:
Jul 15, 2019
In this video we share some heartwarming stories from some of
our members, and provide you an opportunity to join the insulin
sensitivity revolution.
You’ll hear from Raj, a dad who lost more than 70 pounds and
reversed type 2 diabetes after he overheard his son making fun of
him for being slow and overweight. Now...
Jul 14, 2019
In this episode you’ll learn what makes whole
carbohydrates and refined carbohydrates fundamentally different
than each other, and why this simple
distinction can improve your
overall health dramatically.
No joke.
In today’s world, if carbohydrates were on trial, they’d be given a life sentence for harming...
Jul 12, 2019
We’ve got another lesson for you…this one covers a lot of ground, and teaches you some easy-to-understand biochemistry which can change the way you think about your overall health.
This lesson covers the truth about the true cause of insulin resistance (and it may not be what you think).
In this video, we’ll...