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Mastering Diabetes Audio Experience

Sep 24, 2019

Dr. Dean Ornish AKA The Godfather of Lifestyle Medicine joins us today to discuss pharmaceutical medication vs. a plant-based diet  and to find out which is more effective.

Dr. Ornish and his team were the first to prove heart disease is not just preventable but also reversible. He will teach us about the connection...

Sep 17, 2019

Our client Sam has been living with type 1 diabetes since she was 5 years old. Before finding Mastering Diabetes, her blood glucose ranged from 25 mg/dL to over 400 mg/dL on an average day. She woke up feeling exhausted every morning and found herself needing to take a nap every few hours. Find out what happened...

Sep 10, 2019

How to reverse prediabetes? The answer is very simple. Stop eating the foods that caused this lifestyle condition in the first place and replace them with foods that have been shown to reverse insulin resistance. They are low-fat, plant-based, whole-foods. If you want to learn more about the disease process, watch these...