Jun 18, 2019
In our coaching program, we talk to so many women who have lived with Gestational Diabetes or first learned about their diabetes when they were pregnant. In this episode Dr Newman will answer questions like, “if someone were to find out that they have gestational diabetes, would you recommend adopting a...
Jun 11, 2019
C-peptide test is an important test that is largely unknown. When people think of the most important test for diabetes, they usually think of the A1c test. But a c-peptide test is actually more important in many cases because it can help a person find out if they are living with type 1.5 diabetes or if they are...
Jun 4, 2019
If you’ve ever been frustrated trying to understand how to
control your blood glucose living with any form of diabetes...join
the club.
Type the words “diabetes nutrition” into a search engine and you’re
likely to get bombarded with confusing science, leaving you feeling
helpless. If you’ve ever felt this...